Nikki Tamboli, Dhananjay Powar, and Ankita Walawalkar secured the third, fourth, and fifth spots, respectively. Janhavi Killekar was eliminated from the show. The grand finale of Bigg Boss Marathi 5, which took place on Sunday evening, saw Suraj Chavan win the reality show. As per Money Control , Suraj won a trophy, ₹ 14.6 lakh prize money, ₹ 10 lakh jewellery voucher, and a two-wheeler vehicle. Abhijeet Sawant was the first runner-up. Nikki Tamboli, Dhananjay Powar, and Ankita Walawalkar secured the third, fourth, and fifth spots, respectively. During the finale, in a surprise eviction, Janhavi Killekar was eliminated from the show. She chose to take the cash prize of ₹ 9 lakh before exiting the house. The show was hosted by Ritesh Deshmukh . Bigg Boss Marathi aired on Colors Marathi. Ritesh posted pictures on Instagram with the winner and the runner-up. In the first photo, he posed with Suraj, who held his trophy. Abhijeet joined them in the n...
Donald Trump took to his Truth Social platform to say Jordan "will be a GREAT Speaker of the House, & has my Complete & Total Endorsement!" Washington: Former US president Donald Trump on Friday endorsed hard-right Republican Jim Jordan for the job of speaker of the House of Representatives.Trump took to his Truth Social platform to say Jordan "will be a GREAT Speaker of the House, & has my Complete & Total Endorsement!" Hours earlier he had offered to temporarily take up the role, which was left vacant this week after Republican Kevin McCarthy was axed in a historic rebellion by far-right members of his own party. Jordan, 59, is among a list of contenders to replace McCarthy, and has been notably skeptical of US funding to Ukraine.Jordan has also been spearheading an impeachment investigation against President Joe Biden that has irritated mainstream colleagues. Earlier Trump had told Fox News that he had "been asked to speak as a unifier becau...